Today, a strong sun will shine on Strasbourg. Temperatures will show between 18 and 33°C. The morning will be very hot: nearly 30°C. A southwest wind will blow slightly, with 7 km/h. Temperatures will register an increase of several degrees in the afternoon. The city will suffer from extreme heat with values that could rise to 33°C. It will be really hot with an average of 31°C. A westerly wind, reaching 20 km/h, will blow. The hot weather sets in. With temperatures between 21 and 28°C. Between Monday and Tuesday, the night will be clear.
The clouds will be visible tomorrow in Strasbourg. Temperatures will drop a few degrees. The maximum values predicted are high, with 31°C. Temperatures will range between 14 and 31°C. A modest northeast breeze will be felt by residents. On the other hand, the morning ahead promises to be superb and sunny! Very high temperatures (between 18°C and 31°C) are announced. The sky will be quite bright, with some sunny spells tomorrow afternoon. Temperatures will rise a few degrees. The city will experience a period of extreme heat with values that will sometimes reach 30°C. We recorded really very high temperatures, around 29°C. Tomorrow evening, we will see the arrival of clouds. Bad weather is to be expected. Scattered rains will fall. Temperatures will be 22°C.
The weather will improve in the following days. Sunny days are expected, with temperatures around 33°C on average.
Don’t forget that heat leads to weakness: avoid all physical exertion during the day, mainly between noon and 4 p.m. In any case, drink water regularly, without waiting to be thirsty!
2023-07-16 23:31:02
#Weather #forecast #Monday #July #Strasbourg