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Weather, Snow | Snow chaos on Norwegian roads: – You do not drive with summer tires now

Across the country, drivers ended up in the ditch Friday night.

On Friday, the snow fell in large quantities – uninterrupted in many places in the country. This has led to traffic challenges.

Two people were transported to hospital with unknown extent of damage after a traffic accident in Lillestrøm a little before 20:00, but it is not the only traffic accident that took place on Friday.

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– No chance to push everyone out

According to Romerikes Blad At the time of writing, there have been 30 traffic incidents in the Eastern Police District since 3 pm, which has meant that the police have not had time to respond to all the accidents.

– We do not have a chance to reach out to everyone. Those who have just slipped off the road must fend for themselves and get help or car salvage on their own. We simply do not have capacity at the moment, says operations manager Svein Walle in the Eastern police district to the newspaper.

The surface can be challenging enough in itself, but tonight the police have also encountered those who have not changed to winter tires. In Nittedal, a driver was stopped on this basis.

– He claimed that he was on his way to buy winter tires when he was stopped. It ended with a driving ban and a driver’s license seizure, Walle says to RB and informs that the person in question was reported.

– You do not drive with summer tires now, says the operations manager.

Car completely damaged on E18

A little further south, in Vestfold, things went wrong in the traffic on Friday. A car drove out on the E18 in Holmestrand.

The driver of the car, a woman in her 40s, was taken to the emergency room for a check-up. after the accident. According to the South-East police district, she herself said that she was not injured after the accident.

The vehicle was still marked by the accident, and was completely damaged.

ATV accident in Oslo

Also in the capital, the snow came falling down from above. At Hauketo, an ATV collided with a car, and the driver of the quad bike was taken to hospital with injuries.

– Snowy and slippery is probably the cause here, the Oslo police district stated on Twitter.

The challenging driving conditions also had consequences for the city’s home delivery services. To Avisa Oslo says press contact in Foodora, Mads Dokka Blybakken that snow and bad weather affect their delivery options.

– It takes longer to deliver. And just at this time of day, there is a lot of delivery. We have an average delivery time of 20 minutes, but now with few bids, a lot of snow and many orders, customers can experience a longer delivery time, Blybakken tells the newspaper.

Snow trouble at Gardermoen

It is not just along the roads that there have been challenges on Friday. Also in the air, the snow weather has led to challenges. For example, Norwegian’s flight from Copenhagen landed tonight, 1 hour delayed due to the snow.

Norwegian winter makes it difficult to connect the gangway to the plane, the passengers were informed after a touchdown at Gardermoen.

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