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Weather – Offenbach am Main – Sun in Lower Saxony and Bremen – Panorama

Weather – Offenbach am Main:Sun in Lower Saxony and Bremen

Passers-by walk past the first cherry blossoms in the city center in the sunshine. Photo: Julian Stratenschulte/dpa (Photo: dpa)

Directly from the dpa news channel

Hanover (dpa / lni) – The people in Lower Saxony and Bremen can look forward to sunny weather in the coming days. On Tuesday, the maximum values ​​​​are between five degrees in the Upper Harz and eleven degrees in Emsland with a lot of sunshine, as the German Weather Service announced in the morning.

It is clear on Wednesday night. Later there may be occasional fog along the Elbe. The lows are between minus five and minus one degree. Temperatures on the islands are around one degree. Wednesday is also consistently sunny after the dissolution of isolated fog fields. The maximum values ​​on the islands are around seven degrees, otherwise around twelve degrees.

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