Offenbach/Frankfurt (dpa/lhe) – Strong winds will sweep over Hesse in the coming days. The German Weather Service (DWD) expects gusts of wind at high altitudes this Wednesday, which will increase on Thursday. In addition, it rains again and again and is very mild. On Wednesday, the daily highs will rise to 10 to 14 degrees, on Thursday it can be up to 15 degrees, as the DWD predicted in Offenbach on Tuesday.
The wind will therefore really pick up on Thursday night. During the day, gusts of wind must be expected, and in the vicinity of showers also severe gusts of wind to hurricane-force gusts. In the mountains there were heavy gusts of wind and hurricane-like gusts, and isolated hurricane gusts, the DWD explained.
During the night on Friday the wind decreases. Stormy gusts and gusts of wind are still forecast during the day, and severe gusts of wind are also possible in the mountains. However, the wind will only become hurricane-like with a low probability.
“Anyone who has not yet done so should use today and tomorrow to make the garden, house, terrace and balcony stormproof and, if necessary, waterproof,” said a DWD meteorologist.
The city of Frankfurt also called on its citizens to be careful: branch breaks or falling trees must be expected in the green spaces and parks, on the tree-lined streets, in the cemeteries and in the city forest. Even after the storm has subsided, there is still a risk of falling branches. Therefore, it is better not to walk in parks and in the city forest and not to enter the cemeteries. All areas would be checked for tree damage in the coming days and possible sources of danger eliminated.
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