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Weather – Offenbach am Main – Storm night expected on the coast – Panorama

Hanover (dpa / lni) – Lower Saxony and Bremen have prepared for a stormy night with hurricane gusts. On Saturday, the German weather service issued severe weather warnings for the Lower Saxony North Sea coast, but also for the Brocken, the highest peak in the Harz Mountains. The wind should strengthen over the course of Saturday evening and reach speeds of up to 110 kilometers per hour on the coasts. The storm, triggered by low “Nadja”, will only subside a little on Sunday morning.

The Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) in Hamburg also warned of a storm surge. The flood on Saturday evening and Sunday morning will be 1.5 meters higher than normal on the East Frisian coast, in Cuxhaven and Bremen even 2.0 meters. Individual ferry connections to the islands have been cancelled.

In East Friesland, the Aurich district fire brigade association called on the population to secure unfixed objects such as garden furniture, advertising signs or garbage cans. Unnecessary trips with trucks should be avoided because these vehicles could be blown over. People should not stay outdoors unnecessarily.

The temperatures in Lower Saxony were between nine and eleven degrees on Saturday. But it was colder in the Harz mountains. The traffic management center warned there of snowfall with visibility of less than 50 meters. The traffic situation only improved in the afternoon.

On top of the Brocken, whose summit (1141.2 meters) is in Saxony-Anhalt, frost and wind covered all surfaces with a thick layer of hoarfrost. As on Friday, the Brockenbahn only ran as far as Schierke on Saturday to be on the safe side.

Showers were expected in Lower Saxony on Sunday with maximum values ​​between three and seven degrees. The German Weather Service predicted precipitation, sometimes as snow or sleet, for Monday night.

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