Weather – Offenbach am Main:Snowfall in the Black Forest: soon thaw again
Directly from the dpa news channel
Stuttgart (dpa / lsw) – A cold front briefly gave winter sports enthusiasts hope in Baden-Württemberg: Up to five centimeters of snow fell in the Black Forest above 800 meters on Tuesday night. A spokesman for the German Weather Service (DWD) even reported almost 25 centimeters of snow on the Feldberg.
But already in the evening hours of Tuesday a warm front is moving over Baden-Württemberg, the snow will melt again in the next few days in the lower areas, said the DWD spokesman. “It won’t disappear entirely on the Feldberg.” But even there the snow will be significantly less.
The spokesperson initially did not expect further snowfall. “We expect at most a few more flakes on the peaks of the Black Forest.” The snowline is therefore increasing and will hold almost 1200 meters at the summit from Thursday. Smoothness is only to be expected there. The weather service expects 7 degrees on the Alb and up to 13 degrees in the Breisgau on Wednesday.
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