Offenbach (dpa / lhe) – In Hesse, thunderstorms and storms are forecast for the next few days. According to a report by the German Weather Service (DWD) in Offenbach on Wednesday, there may be severe gusts of wind and showers in some cases, but the situation should only calm down again at the weekend.
On Thursday it will be mostly clear at first, before clouds will move in from the west in the afternoon. The temperatures rise to 28 to 31 degrees, up to 25 degrees in the mountains. From the late afternoon showers and thunderstorms are to be expected, locally also with storms.
According to the DWD, severe gusts of wind are sometimes possible during thunderstorms, apart from which there is a moderate wind. In the night to Friday there can be fog locally and the temperatures drop to 17 to 13 degrees. Showers and thunderstorms will subside temporarily, but will revive again in the morning, especially in the north.
Friday will be cloudy, and showers and thunderstorms are expected, especially in the north and in central Hesse, as a DWD spokesman said. Temperatures rise to 25 degrees in the north and 31 degrees in the south, and there is a moderate wind blowing from the south.
Local storms are possible again on Friday, which according to the DWD will then lead to the “peak” of the weather situation. During thunderstorms and in the evening at higher altitudes, severe gusts of wind are sometimes possible. According to the forecast for all of Germany, “the necessary ingredients for a tornado” are also available. However, it cannot be predicted when and where this could occur.
In the night to Saturday the weather loosens up and the rain eases off. On Saturday itself it will be cooler at 19 to 25 degrees and there will be no rain during the day.
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