Offenbach / Main (dpa / lrs) – The winter in Rhineland-Palatinate was relatively mild and sunny. As the German Weather Service (DWD) announced on Monday in Offenbach, it was the eleventh winter in a row that was too warm in Germany. In Rhineland-Palatinate, the average temperature between December and February was 3.6 degrees Celsius and thus 2.7 degrees above the average of the internationally valid reference period from 1961 to 1990 (0.9 degrees Celsius).
With almost 165 hours of sunshine in Rhineland-Palatinate also exceeded its target of 152 hours and was thus exactly in the national German average. At almost 195 liters per square meter, the amount of precipitation this winter was slightly below the reference value of 206 liters per square meter.
In February, spring in Rhineland-Palatinate slowly made itself felt with almost 90 hours of sunshine, the DWD announced. The average temperature for the month was 4.7 degrees, well above the target value of 1.2 degrees. At 70 liters per square meter, the amount of precipitation was also above the value of the reference period (59 liters).
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