Offenbach (dpa / lrs) – After “Ylenia” comes “Zeynep”: According to the forecast by the German Weather Service (DWD) in Offenbach, the next storm low will hit Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland on Friday. Both countries are increasingly recorded by “Zeynep” over the course of the day, the DWD announced in the morning. A freshening southwest wind with gusts of wind is to be expected from the morning, and the wind will continue to increase from midday. In the afternoon, thunderstorms with hurricane-like gusts are possible, and individual hurricane gusts with wind speeds between 105 and 120 kilometers per hour cannot be ruled out. The storm is expected to subside on Saturday night.
The temperatures will reach 10 to 15 degrees on Friday, up to 10 degrees are possible in the mountains. There will also be rain in some areas in the morning, which will turn into showers and thunderstorms from the west in the afternoon.
In connection with the storm, the weather service warned in particular of uprooted trees, falling branches and loose roof tiles. Objects on balconies and terraces should be secured, it said. According to meteorologists, “Zeynep” will have less power than “Ylenia”.
According to the police, the night from Thursday to Friday was largely mild. At first there was no major storm damage.
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