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Weather – Offenbach am Main – Be careful in the heat: Hesse expects more than 30 degrees – panorama

Offenbach (dpa/lhe) – summer, sun, bathing fun – and treacherous dangers: In Hesse, the first big heat days are expected this weekend with almost 40 degrees. While the outdoor pools and bathing lakes are expected to be very busy on Saturday and Sunday, many are also warning of the dangers. The heat can be stressful for people and animals.

HEAT: With the first big heat, the temperatures in Hesse rise to 32 to 36 degrees, in southern Hesse sometimes to 38 degrees. According to the German Weather Service (DWD), a weak wind is blowing. In the night to Sunday the temperatures drop to no more than 20 to 16 degrees, in the south it stays locally at 22 degrees. On Sunday the thermometer should show up to 37 degrees. However, there is a chance of showers and thunderstorms throughout the day. According to the DWD, hail is also possible in some cases. Especially in southern Hesse, there is sometimes a strong gusty wind. Where thunderstorms have formed, gusts of wind are also possible.

SPLASHING: “Of course it is clear that we expect an increased rush with the temperatures,” said a spokeswoman for the Frankfurt baths. However, you have decades of experience and the staff is used to it. There are guidelines for water supervisors, depending on the number of visitors, enough staff will be deployed. “We’ve been doing outdoor pools for over 100 years, we have a certain amount of experience,” said Ingo Pijanka, spokesman for Kasseler Verkehrs- und Vertriebs-GmbH. “Like every year, we use seasonal workers.” A spokeswoman for RhönEnergie Fulda said: “We’ve had hot weekends in the past, so we don’t need any additional measures.” The pools are big enough, there are enough shaded areas, one is prepared. “For the weekend, an air temperature of almost 36 degrees is predicted, so we expect a high rush of bathers,” said a spokesman in Darmstadt. The deployment of staff has been adjusted.

FORESTS: Because of the drought due to a lack of precipitation, there is a high risk of forest fires in parts of Hesse. According to the forest fire risk index of the DWD, there is the second highest risk level in several regions. For the weekend, the DWD also sees the highest level of danger locally. The situation should only relax again on Monday. The Ministry of the Environment had already warned of increased caution when visiting the forest in the middle of the week. No fire may be lit outside of designated barbecue areas. Smoking is also prohibited in the forest. The ministry also asked that access roads to forests be kept free. Meanwhile, according to Interior Minister Peter Beuth (CDU), the emergency services are prepared for the worst case scenario. “We have coordinated forest fire alarm plans and deployment maps that ensure short response times throughout Hesse.” More than 70,000 volunteers are active in 2,430 fire brigades in Hesse. With more than 400 forest fire extinguishing sets and special resources, the civil protection fire engines are equipped so that they can fall back on modern and special equipment if necessary.

HEALTH: The high temperatures are not without danger for humans either. The State Pharmacy Chamber warns of sunburn, hay fever and circulatory problems. People should drink plenty of fluids and avoid exercise in the midday heat. According to the Wiesbaden health department, basically everyone is affected by the dangers of the heat. However, small children, the elderly and the chronically ill are particularly at risk.

FARMERS: Farmers have concerns. At more than 30 degrees, winter barley and winter wheat suffer, said the spokesman for the Hessian farmers’ association, Bernd Weber. The currently ongoing grain filling phase will be ended, so the grain will be smaller and the yield lower. “It’s like an emergency stop.” Extreme weather conditions are always harmful. Even the dairy cows didn’t feel comfortable in such weather. “There’s no cow happy in the pasture.” The animals loved temperatures around ten or twelve degrees. If the temperatures are too high, the milk yield could decrease. “With the weather conditions, no cow will voluntarily leave the barn.” Those who currently make hay, however, have optimal conditions.

ANIMALS: In order to make it somewhat bearable for the animals, the Frankfurt Zoo took special measures on Friday. Keepers prepared a soothing mud bath for the red river hogs with a cool jet of water. For the penguins there were so-called ice bombs – a fish delicacy artfully layered in several layers and then frozen. The herons present also liked the cold delicacies distributed in the pool. According to the German Animal Welfare Association, the hot temperatures also pose a danger to domestic and wild animals. One should always provide fresh drinking water and cool places. Wild animals can also be supported with water. Another warning: Cars can quickly heat up to over 50 degrees inside, becoming a deadly trap for pets.

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