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WEATHER July 8, 2021. Counties in Romania, under Yellow Codes for rain and heat. ANM MAP

The weather remains warm in Romania, with high temperatures accompanied in some places by rain.

METEO July 8, 2021 – Weather in Romania: Yellow heat code

On Thursday and Friday, meteorologists announce the Yellow Heat Code in 10 counties in Romania: Olt, Dolj, Gorj, Mehedinţi, Caraş-Severin, Hunedoara, Arad, Timişoara, Bihor and Satu Mare.

In the mentioned interval, in Banat, Crişana, in most of Oltenia, in the west of Maramureş and in the southwest of Transylvania, the heat wave will intensify, locally there will be heat and accentuated thermal discomfort, and the temperature-humidity index (ITU) will exceed the critical threshold of 80 units.

The maximum temperatures will be between 33 and 37 degrees, and the minimum will be between 17 and 23 degrees.

Thermal discomfort remains high even at the end of the week, in some places in the plains.

WEATHER July 8, 2021 – Weather in Romania: Yellow rain code

On Thursday, July 8, starting with 13:00 and until 22:00, ANM meteorologists announce temporarily accentuated atmospheric instability.

During the mentioned interval, in the north of Oltenia and Muntenia, as well as in the area of ​​the Eastern Carpathians, there will be periods in which the atmospheric instability will be accentuated and will be manifested by showers that will have torrential character, electric discharges, wind intensifications and isolated , hail. In short time intervals or by accumulation, the quantities of water will exceed 25 … 40 l / sqm.

The areas covered by the Yellow Code alert are located in 9 counties in Romania: Mehedinţi, Gorj, Vâlcea, Argeş, Dâmboviţa, Prahova, Buzău, Vrancea and Bacău.

Phenomena associated with atmospheric instability will be in smaller areas in the southeast of the country and in the rest of the mountains.

Weather Forecast. Weather in Bucharest

Into the Bucharest, the weather will be warm on Thursday, July 8th. During the afternoon, showers are possible accompanied by electric discharges, according to the special forecast for the Capital, issued by the NMA. To find out how the weather changes on Friday, read more …

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