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Weather in Ukraine in October 2021 – forecaster forecast, when and where it will rain and snow

By the end of the week, it will get warmer in Ukraine and the weekend will be held in a fairly comfortable temperature regime. However, snowfalls are expected in part of the country.

As told in an exclusive blitz interview OBOZREVATEL weather forecaster Ukrainian hydrometeorological center Natalia Ptukha, the beginning of the week in the country will be quite rainy, snow is possible in the Carpathians. But starting from Thursday the air temperature will start to rise gradually.

It cannot be called Indian summer, but on holidays the weather will delight the sun.

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Ptukha said that a cyclone is moving through the territory of Ukraine from the south-west, which means that it will be rainy in a number of regions. According to her, precipitation in the first half of the week is possible in Vinnitsa, Zhytomyr, Odessa regions. It will be damp and wet in the north as well.

It will be cooler in the mountains. In the Carpathians, thermometers will drop to minus marks, snow is possible. However, from Thursday, as well as throughout the country, temperatures in the mountains will also start to rise.

Already on Thursday, October 14, the period of the next warming will come.

“Starting from October 14, practically throughout the entire territory of Ukraine, the weather will be without significant precipitation. Light rains are possible on Saturday, October 16, but very local. At the end of the week it will be sunny, since another anticyclone will dominate over our territory,” the specialist noted …

At the end of the week, there will be more sunny clearings on the weekend.

In turn, the Ukrhydrometeocenter reported that in Wednesday, October 13, it will be rainy, practically throughout the country. The air temperature during the day will fluctuate between +9 … +16 degrees, at night +2 … +7 degrees, depending on the region.

Weather forecast for October 13.

V Thursday 14 October during the day about +15 degrees in the south and +13 degrees in the rest of the territory, but at night in the western regions the temperature will drop to +1 degrees, without precipitation.

Weather forecast October 14.

V Friday 15 October precipitation is not expected. The air temperature is slightly warmer than on Thursday.

Weather forecast October 15.

V Saturday 16 October warmer by another 1-2 degrees. The maximum daytime temperatures in the west and in the center will be +14 degrees, in the east +16 degrees, in the south +17 degrees.

Weather forecast for October 16.

As reported OBOZREVATEL, on Tuesday 12 October, Mount Pop Ivan Chernogorsky covered with snow again.

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