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Weather in Lower Saxony: Frosty temperatures! DWD warns BEFORE

Offenbach am Main. The weather plays in Niedersachsen really crazy! After the mild start of the week, frosty temperatures now follow.

And that holds a special surprise Weather for Lower Saxony still ready.

Low cold from Finland affects the weather in Lower Saxony

If you have happily stowed your winter clothes in the closet, you should get them out again as soon as possible! Because already on Thursday it will be cold in region 38. The reason for this: A cold depression from Finland, which means: Icy polar air hangs over northern Germany.

Harz: Official severe weather warning! DWD warns

And that can get pretty turbulent! The German Weather Service (DWD) warns the coastal regions of gusts of up to 80 km / h. It will also be windy in the north. However, the DWD only expects individual gusts of around 65 km / h. In the southern half, i.e. also in Braunschweig, Hanover and Salzgitter, for example, you should be prepared for gusts of around 75 km / h.


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But the Upper Harz can be particularly happy! Because there you can assume a light snowfall again. Between one and five centimeters of fresh snow could fall by Thursday morning. In congestion, up to eight centimeters trickle down.

However, it will also be frosty! Because on Thursday night there are only zero to minus three degrees. This can lead to slipperiness in some areas. (mbe / DWD)

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