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Weather in Houston, Texas this morning: forecast for Monday, April 25, 2022 | Videos | Univision 45 Houston KXLN

karuska: thanks forjoin us we’remonitoringsevere weather hazard. theline of rain and stormsthatacross our state andcould leave downloadselectric in the eveningalso rainlocally strong,especially north of theinterstate 10. the morningcan be taken advantage of. I don `t believethat we have heavy downpours.quite a gloomy environmentwith that cloudiness, but it happens to3:00 in the afternoonelectric shocks cansome kidsleaving school andmorning traffic. temperaturesmaxims of governments80. Some risks today thatcan occur betweenafternoontowards the night they could beelectrical discharges, windsharmful that exceed the60 miles per hour, hailsmall could also bearising. tryto leave your vehicle under cover.little flooding towardsnorth of interstate 10.conroe, the woodland ythe north of the city

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