>> thank you for hosting usaccompanied.>> we’re back.be our conditions forthey start from tomorrowthose rather abrupt changesafter the passage of that frontArctic. I wanted to talk aboutwind activity, that will bethe preamble to thosevery cold temperatures efreezing. at 3:00late is the time when thosethe winds are already going through thecenter of our cityhouston. the gusts beginto reach 40 miles per hour.prediction that fits thechance to watchup to 45 and 50mph.as thelate and night falls, everyoneour southeast areatexas submerged under eastimpulse of strong winds.winds they tend to bedangerous if insidestreets. I advisedo it before that time3:00 in the afternoon. manybetter if it’s before noon.As for temperatures,we begin to see mercuryapproach. around 8:00Thursday evening, followedfor the next few hours ofearly morning and when we startedlook how we got out of those 33give way to temperaturesthat they will be 20 years old, basicallyin a space of a fewhours. we were at dawnwith those hermetic sensations.you are for the center of ourcity. in the northern areas,negative values. have innote that we are already talkingon a Friday which is shaping up to be a lottrust for our territory. theminimum was set to 16 .He is now 18 with an aximain 32. saturday we see a lightimproved. but in the morningsthey continue to trust from the daychristmas with good timesSun. maximum in the heights