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Weather in Germany: The summer forecast 2020 – experts with a dramatic warning

Weather in Germany: The long-term forecast predicts a warm early summer after snowfall in May – then there will probably be a summer with heat and drought.

  • The Weather* supposed to go crazy in May.
  • Instead of a blissful month, experts even expect snow*.
  • Because it falls on the ice saints, the weather could blow capers all year round.

Munich – The next few days attract us sunshine and Temperatures up to 27 degrees in the south of Germany outdoors. Although the north of the country has to adjust to maximum temperatures of around 17 degrees, there is nowhere to spoil the rainy month of May.

The U-turn – away from summer feelings, back towards winter – follows on Mother’s Day. The first storms can discharge on Saturday evening, but it gets really uncomfortable on Sunday with cold temperatures and wind*, how wetter.de reported. And the Ice Saints begin on Monday.

Long-term forecast for the weather in Germany: ice saints separate winter and summer

Monday to Friday (May 11th to 15th) will be marked by Mamertus, Pankratius, Servatius, Bonifatius and Sophie. In old farmers’ calendars: Before these days middle of May you should not sow anything – because frost can now destroy everything again. The good news from popular knowledge: if these days are over, there are threats w
no snow or ice.

That coincides with the Predictions for this year: How wetter.de continues to write, it will indeed be uncomfortable next week. Especially on the night of Tuesday snow in the south of Germany even come to the lowlands. But from the middle of the week, the temperatures climb to 20 degrees and more. Weather Online expects until at least 21.5. then no longer with rainfall.

Weather in Germany: It will be like this from the end of May

If you follow the rules of the farmers’ calendar, then from the end of May to the end of June, we mainly have warm days, interrupted by isolated foggy days. Only in the following period until mid-July should it be changeable with rain and sun.

Loud wetter.com But then the temperatures should already be 0.5 to 1 degree above the average. And this despite the fact that cold days – the so-called sheep cold – are threatening before the start of the summer calendar on June 20.

Weather in Germany: Summer is hot and dry

Summer heat: The temperatures can always climb over 40 degrees in summer

© dpa / Sven Hoppe

We have to adjust to an extreme weather situation afterwards – because the statements from the farmers’ calendar and the weather experts of our day coincide. Summer 2020 could bring us temperatures beyond 40 degrees several times – especially in the so-called dog days between July 23 and August 23 – making 2020 the second warmest year since weather records started. Weather experts are particularly worried about northern Germany. There could be far too little rainfall here.

A look at the temperature table of shows how much the summer deviates from the calendar mean wetter.com: While the average temperature between 1961 and 1990 was 16.3 degrees, in summer 2019 it was already 19.2 degrees – and that should be exceeded in 2020.

List of rubric lists: © dpa / Patrick Seeger

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