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Weather in Germany: Snow celebrates its comeback – snow bombs are on their way

The weather in Germany remains wintry. A snow bomb comes and brings up to two meters of fresh snow.

  • Weather in Germany: Winter is here.
  • Forecast: Snowfall dominates the weekend.
  • A “snow bomb” brings up to two meters of fresh snow.

Update from Wednesday, December 2nd, 2020, 10:32 am: Just in time for the start of the Winter has it in Germany snowed – even in Rhine Main Area. The snow has almost completely melted again in many cities and towns, but winter fans don’t have to wait long for supplies. Because that Weather will be wintry again. A “Snow bomb“Is on the march and even brings up to two meters at the weekend Fresh snow.

Weather in Germany: Snow bomb on the march – Up to two meters of fresh snow

According to current forecast The next one will be set on Thursday (December 3rd, 2020) Snowfall one. One forms on Friday sharp snowfall linethat differ from Bodensee from moves steadily to West Germany. “It will also snow really hard in Cologne, also on the Rhine,” predicts meteorologist Jan Schenk from The Weather Channel. Also on snow must that Rhine Main Area around Frankfurt to adjust. “The Alps are also facing a real snow bomb,” explains Schenk. Up to two meters of fresh snow fall there on the weekend.

The weather in winter in Germany is going to be exciting: a “cold egg” brings snow. (Symbol image)

© Matthias Bein / dpa

Update from Monday, November 30th, 2020, 12.49 p.m .: One “Cold egg” pulls over Germany away and takes care of the Beginning of winter for the one longed for by many people snow. But that Weather also brings hazards with himself. On Tuesday (December 1st, 2020) there is a threat Traffic chaos. “It’s going to be smooth as hell. Please watch out, ”warns meteorologist Jan Schenk from The Weather Channel. Because the “cold egg” not only brings snow, but also ice rain and Black ice to Germany.

Weather in Germany: “Cold egg” brings black ice and sleet – experts warn of traffic chaos

It really starts on Tuesday night: That “Cold egg” unfolds its full effect and ensures in many parts of Germany initially for Black ice and ice rain. That leads to slippery roads that motorist can easily be underestimated because it snows on them a short time later. Anyone who is out on the streets should be even more careful than usual.

The wintry Weather mainly hits the west of Germany. Im Schwarzwald expect the Meteorologists according to the forecast up to 30 centimeters of fresh snow. This is significantly less in the lowlands. in the Rhine Main Area The German Weather Service (DWD) expects a maximum of five centimeters of fresh snow in Offenbach. “The snow in the lowlands will melt away on Tuesday,” says Schenk.

Update from Sunday, November 29th, 2020, 9.30 a.m .: Also in Winter 2020/2021 many winter fans hope for Weather in Germany one thing in particular: snow. After a meteorologist from the weather service Q.met already had a so-called “Cold egg” announced, now also predicts German Weather Service (DWD) in Offenbach snow For December. Already in the night of Tuesday and thus on time for the first of December could be in whole Germany – even at lower altitudes – snow will fall.

Weather in Germany in winter: DWD reports snow

While in the mountains with security snow can be expected is the forecast for the east and south of Germany and the lower areas are not entirely certain. Here can Weather also become very uncomfortable and sleet and drizzle have to be expected in the coming days. Due to the falling temperatures there is also increased Risk of slipperiness, again DWD reported.

Weather in winter in Germany: first snow thanks to “cold egg”

Update from Friday, November 27th, 2020, 1.59 p.m .: The first snow comes in next week Germany right down to the lowlands. Meteorologist Dominik Jung from the weather service Q.met is sure of that, as he told the weather portal wetter.net. Responsible for the icy Weather is that still over Germany lying “Cold egg“. It is still not certain how exactly the weather will develop. But: “It will be exciting from Tuesday. A low is approaching, ”explains Jung. This brings rain, but also snow for the lower elevations.

The weather in Germany is going to be exciting: a “cold egg” brings snow down to deep layers. (Symbol image)

© Jan Woitas / dpa

Weather in Germany: Winter and snow come because of the “cold egg”

The temperatures will also be as it is Winter heard. By the first Advent (November 29, 2020) they should drop to a maximum of 5 to 7 degrees, at night it can get cold in places down to minus 8 degrees. Jung is certain: “Those quiet, rotten November days will be over for the time being and there will be movement in the weather kitchen”. One downer, however, remains. Because it will stay where it is snow only from 400 to 500 meters. But those who live at these heights can look forward to the first real winter days.

weekday Forecast for the weather in Germany
Friday 6 to 12 degrees, cloudy and gray, hardly any sunshine
Saturday 5 to 10 degrees, mix of fog, haze and sunshine, dry
Sunday, 1st Advent 1 to 5 degrees, much colder, a lot of fog, but also sunshine, in the east some sleet or snow
Monday 1 to 5 degrees, cloudy or gray and some sunshine
Tuesday 1 to 11 degrees, in the north rain, in the south partly sleet or snow
Wednesday 2 to 9 degrees, mix of sun, clouds and some rain or sleet, snowfall from 500 meters
Thursday 2 to 7 degrees, unsafe weather, rain or snow in places
Friday 0 to 5 degrees, mix of sun, clouds and fog
Saturday 1 to 5 degrees, gray December weather, little sunshine
Sunday, 2nd Advent 0 to 5 degrees, sometimes sun, sometimes clouds, sometimes sleet or snow
(Those: wetter.net)

Weather: “Cold egg” is coming to Germany – Meteorologist: “It will be exciting”

First report from Thursday, November 26th, 2020, 11:19 am: Offenbach – The Winter is one of the most exciting seasons in Germany. Many associate it with snow-covered meadows, To the Euchrist at the windows and children in the garden Snowman to build. However, this scenario rarely occurs Germany also permanently, because the last winters were all too mild. But now there is good news for winter fans: A “Cold egg” rolls towards the country and makes for exciting Weather in Germany.

While the Astronomers the Winter only start on December 21st at the winter solstice, the Meteorologists the beginning of winter is fixed on December 1st. And this year it could be winter too snow and ice begin. Because a “Cold egg” rolls up. But the Weather services still disagree about the exact effects it will have. “It will be exciting,” explains the qualified meteorologist Dominik Jung from the weather service Q.met opposite the weather portal wetter.net.

Weather in Germany: The chance of snow is increasing rapidly

The probability on snow increases rapidly from Wednesday (02.12.2020). Because the “cold egg” pulls over Europe and brings freezing temperatures in 5500 meters altitude. However, the exact trajectory of the High lows still uncertain. What does that mean for that Weather in Germany? The major weather models still disagree on this question. The American Weather Service NOAA sees a maximum of a few wet in the week from November 30th snowflakes. The European weather service ECMWF partially counts Snowfall all the way down and from 300 meters even with temporarily white landscapes.

The weather in Germany will be exciting. A “cold egg” provides variety (symbol image).

© Bernd März / dpa

Weather in Germany: is the first snow coming? “Very high uncertainty”

“The uncertainties are very great next week. The first comes snow or is he not coming? We must the Forecasts watch for a few more days, ”says Jung. For winter friends, the start of the December be a rare exception. Because the forecast for the weather in December in Germany is clear: The month should be milder than the average and with little precipitation. The chances of a white Christmas are therefore not particularly high.

Also the Predictions For January and February winter friends will not like it. Winter is heading for a new record – it will be milder and could even be the warmest Winter since the beginning of the weather recording. (Christian incense)

List of rubric lists: © Matthias Bein / dpa

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