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Weather in Bavaria: Snow in June – weekly forecast should disappoint many

After several heavy thunderstorms on Sunday, it cooled significantly in large parts of Bavaria. The DWD warned of heavy and continuous rain – and makes a cool forecast.

  • The German Weather Service (DWD) had last week (June 3rd) for far Parts of Bavaria a severe weather warning published.
  • At the Sunday (June 7th) large rain clouds passed over Bavaria. Then it gets really cold. The DWD warned on Sunday of heavy and continuous rain.
  • There are many more exciting stories from Bavaria and the regions in our app.

Weather in Bavaria: Snow in June – forecast for a new week should disappoint many

Update, June 7, 9:50 p.m .: The past week was all over Bavaria uncomfortable. In the Allgäu region in particular, there were heavy showers almost all of Sunday. A look at the start of the week also promises little summery: According to the German Weather Service (DWD), the Free State only reaches maximum temperatures of around 19 degrees in Franconia around Bamberg. At the Zugspitze, however, it should be at 0 degrees snow. The south is not yet spared: it should always get wet from the Upper Palatinate to the Allgäu. Up to and including Thursday, the picture in the Free State changes not significant – Only the rain showers will move to all parts of the Free State in the course of the next few days – with the same cool temperatures by 14 degrees.

Even if the outdoor pools open this week – real bathing weather wants in Bavaria not yet come up.

Official weather warning for Bavaria: heavy rain and continuous rain in several counties

Update, June 7, 12:33 p.m .: The German weather service has an official warning continuous rain and Heavy rain published for several counties in Bavaria. The districts of Lindau, Oberallgäu, Unterallgäu and Ostallgäu are affected, that is: the entire Allgäu. On the one hand, the weather service expects continuous rain of up to 30 liters per square meter, otherwise there can be heavy rain with up to 20 liters / sqm in a short time.

The German Weather Service has issued a storm warning for Bavaria against heavy rain.


Weather in Bavaria on Sunday (June 7th): A lot of rain and cold

Update from June 7, 7:33 a.m .: After several strong thunderstorms swept across Bavaria, especially southern Bavaria, on Saturday, the long-announced cold front is coming. Only in the extreme northwest of Bavaria, in Lower Franconia, does it look friendlier. In the Würzburg area, the sun can also be seen.

To the southeast of it, dark rain clouds move over Bavaria on Sunday. In the Alps, especially in the Allgäu, the German weather service does not rule out heavy rain with quantities of around 30 l / sqm in the next 12 hours. A maximum of 12 degrees can be expected in the south of Bavaria in the dirty weather. In the far north it can reach 19 degrees.

The trend continues on Monday. With friendlier sections in the north and rain in the south. In the night the temperatures become single digits in many places.

Weather in Bavaria on Saturday (June 6th): Thunderstorm over Bavaria

Update from June 6, 2020, 8.29 a.m .: Rain showers move through Bavaria on Saturday. In the morning it rains in the north, the showers shift to the south during the day, predicts the German Weather Service (DWD). Thunderstorms are possible in the Alps. The temperatures today are between 12 degrees in the Franconian Forest and 21 degrees in the vicinity of the Inn.

A mix of sun, clouds and rain is expected on Sunday. The sun shines more often during the day, especially in Lower Franconia. Local rain showers are possible throughout Bavaria. The daily highs are between 13 degrees in the Allgäu and 19 degrees in the lower Main.

After thunderstorms in Bavaria: weather remains uncomfortable – gusts of wind and heavy rain threaten here

Update from 9.03 a.m .: Yesterday thunderstorms swept across the Free State and even today the German Weather Service (DWD) warns Gusts and heavy rain. Diploma meteorologist Dominik Jung from the Q.net weather service agrees Wetter.com to: “The weather situation remains changeable and cool for the time being”. From Wednesday onwards, however, it could be significantly warmer in Germany. “Here with us the existing air mass is quite moist and this mixture would bring us very humid days with a high one Thunderstorm potential. Since there would be little movement in the air mass, there would be danger to local people storm rise, because the thunderstorms would often be very stationary and could bring torrential rain on the spot ”, Dominik Jung continues.

At the weekend, or more precisely on Sunday, it could be in Germany 30 degree mark be cracked. Bavaria can also look forward to warm temperatures. Loud Wetter.com the thermometer in Munich could climb to 29 degrees on Sunday (June 14) – as well as on Monday. At the beginning of the week, thunderstorms are forecast, which Jung also confirms. Because the air could be “very humid and very susceptible to strong regional thunderstorms”.

Bavaria weather: thunderstorms, gusts of wind and heavy rain threaten

Update from June 5, 6:38 a.m.: Moved yesterday thunderstorm about the Free State. The German Weather Service (DWD) warned of Heavy rain and stormy Gusts. Even today it is getting uncomfortable in Bavaria, the DWD reports: “From midday into the first half of the night gusts of 50, in parts of Franconia and Swabia also strong to stormy gusts of 60 km / h from southwest to west.” it gets stormy in the second half of the day with gusts of up to 75 km / h, on the highest alpine peaks even severe on Saturday night Storm gusts up to 100 km / h.

Thunderstorms are also possible again on Friday: In Franconia evening gusts of up to 85 km / h, heavy rain of 15 l / sqm and smaller threaten hail are not excluded.

Thunderstorms in Bavaria: Heavy rain and stormy gusts possible in the Free State

Update from June 4th, 5.25pm: There are currently showers of rain in many parts of Bavaria. In some cases, it has been going on since Friday in the afternoon and into the night strong thunderstorms, writes the German Weather Service (DWD). Heavy rain is also possible in the Alps.

Weather in Bavaria: heavy rain with hail and stormy gusts

Next Heavy rain with precipitation amounts of up to 20 l / m² per hour, the DWD also warns Hail and stormy gusts at speeds of up to 75 km / h. In some cases, storm-like heavy rain with rainfall of around 30 l / m² cannot be ruled out within a short time. In the night to Friday there is heavy rain locally in the Alps with quantities of 20 to 35 l / m² even outside of thunderstorms.

Tomorrow, Friday, the weather is again in Bavaria cool, windy, cloudy and rainy. From Friday noon it is expected to be strong in Lower and Middle Franconia as well as in Swabia stormy gusts of wind with up to 60 km / h give. In exposed areas of the Allgäu, stormy gusts can occur from the southwest at speeds of up to 70 km / h.

Update from 1:55 p.m.: The German Weather Service (DWD) predicted thunderstorms for Bavaria from noon on Thursday. These have that free State now reached. The districts of Main-Spessart, the district of Miltenberg and the district and city of Aschaffenburg are affected as of 13.55. There are threats Storm gusts with speeds around 65 km / h as well Heavy rain with rainfall around 20 l / m² per hour.

Weather in Bavaria: DWD warns of thunderstorms and heavy rain

Update from June 4, 2020, 10.55 a.m .: Thursday begins cloudy in large parts of Bavaria. It can already rain in Franconia and Swabia in the morning. The daily highs are between 19 degrees in the Rhön and 25 degrees on the Lower Bavarian Danube. From noon, the German Weather Service (DWD) is expecting individual strong thunderstorms and heavy rain with up to 20 liters per square meter in an hour. Even heavier rain, hail and gusts of wind of up to 75 kilometers per hour cannot be excluded locally, according to the DWD. Especially on the edge of the Alps.

On the night of Friday the thunderstorms subside, but it remains rainy. On Friday it gets colder with 11 to 17 degrees. It mostly remains cloudy, rain showers are possible throughout Bavaria.

Storm front rolls towards Bavaria: Official warning of “strong thunderstorm” with heavy rain and hail

Update, 8:24 p.m .: Meanwhile, the weather in Bavaria has calmed down somewhat. The German Weather Service has also adjusted its warnings. A severe weather warning is currently only valid in a few regions.

Especially in the northwest of the country, i.e. in the Würzburg area, there is still a warning about strong thunderstorms with gusts, heavy rain and hail.

The DWD also issues the same warning for the region around Nuremberg, east of Passau and around Oberstdorf in the southwest. Otherwise the card shines again in friendly, calm green

Update, 4:11 p.m .: Meanwhile, the focus of the Storm front according to DWD, rather moved north. The warning before heavy storm currently applies to the area southwest of Zwickau.

In Bavaria warning level 2 of the DWD applies, in other words, a warning against “strong thunderstorm“. This affects both the northwest of the Free State near Bamberg, Würzburg and Schweinfurt, as well as a wide strip between Nuremberg, Amberg, Ingolstadt and Regensburg as far as Cham and the border with the Czech Republic. The warning also applies to the Alpine region around Garmisch-Partenkirchen.

There are warnings of gusts of wind, heavy rain and small-grain hail.

Weather in Bavaria: Official storm warning of extreme heavy rain – storm front is moving towards Bavaria

First report from June 3:

Munich – The German weather service currently warns of serious Thunderstormsthat move to Bavaria and also Germany. North of Ulm on the border with Baden-Wuerttemberg became the highest possible Warning level called out. For the two districts bordering Bavaria and Northern Swabia, warning level four out of four possible warning levels applies DWD card with a purple background. You rarely see that.

Weather in Bavaria: Warning of thunderstorms in almost all of Bavaria – Two districts red

The DWD warns of extreme heavy rain, hail, storm and thunderstorms. The weather service expects precipitation amounts of around 50 l / m² per hour, gusts of wind at speeds of up to 85 km / h (24m / s, 47kn, Bft 9) and hail with grain sizes of around 2 cm.

Weather in Bavaria: Thunderstorm front is currently moving to Regensburg via Augsburg

And that’s not all: the storm is quickly heading north-east augsburg over and on regensburg to. For the Donau-Ries district north of Augsburg and its neighboring district, warning level three of four applies. There is also an official severe weather warning here. There is heavy heavy rain with rainfall up to 35 l / m² per hour as well as gusts of wind with speeds up to 70 km / h (20m / s, 38kn, Bft 8) and small-grain hail.

Otherwise, we are facing a stormy afternoon. The DWD warns of severe thunderstorms from the district Weilheim-Schongau in southern Upper Bavaria to near Nuremberg to Middle Franconia. All warnings currently apply until around 3 p.m.

The Storm front, which is heading towards Bavaria, which has been so sunny so far, is part of a major change in weather. After three wonderful early summer days it will be Weather uncomfortable again in Bavaria. There are many places on Thursday Storm, Thunderstorm, rain.

Weather in Bavaria: Gloomy prospects for further Pentecost weather

Even worse: the summer temperatures are over. Already on Thursday it goes down clearly again 20 degrees to – and in higher altitudes the Temperatures even one-digit at night. Gloomy prospects for the future Pentecost weather – at least until Saturday.

First the temperatures in Germany drop, then extremely humid weather followed. This can cause numerous thunderstorms and flash floods.

List of rubric lists: © dpa / Arne Dedert

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