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Weather in Baden-Württemberg: Temperatures are rising – it remains changeable

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The weather in Baden-Württemberg is becoming more summery again: the temperatures are rising, the sun is showing. There will still be showers and brief thunderstorms on Monday.

Summer is slowly spreading in Baden-Württemberg. Experts fear that 2022 will be hot and dry. But after the first early and hot temperatures, the weather not only held the first storms in the south-west. Sun or clouds, heavy rain or thunderstorms – echo24.de always reports on the current situation in Baden-Württemberg in the daily weather ticker. If the German Weather Service (DWD) issues any warnings, our readers will always find them here promptly and are fully informed. This ticker reflects the weather from May 23, 2022. Older data can be found in our previous weather ticker for Baden-Württemberg.

Weather today in Baden-Württemberg: More showers and brief thunderstorms

Update May 30. May: On Monday, the sun will appear a little more frequently in Baden-Württemberg – but thick clouds will continue to move across the country. According to the German Weather Service (DWD), there will be “increasing showers and brief thunderstorms” during the course of the day. In the west and south there is slightly less precipitation than in the rest of the country. The daily highs are between 13 and 20 degrees.

Weather today in Heilbronn temperatures and weather forecasts
In the morning 4 to 15 degrees, sunny
at noon 16 to 19 degrees, sunny
in the evening 12 to 18 degrees, sunny
at night 6 to 10 degrees, sure

In the night to Tuesday the rain will ease up, in many places it will be clear. The sheep’s cold causes ground frost at night. Temperatures at night will drop to three degrees.

Weather in Baden-Württemberg: Almost 30 degrees in the second half of the week

The temperature curve rises steeply until the end of the week – on Wednesday up to 23 degrees are expected in the southwest, on Wednesday already summery 25 degrees. In the second half of the week it will even get really hot, an expert expects “almost 30 degrees in the south”.

3-day trend for Heilbronn temperatures and weather forecasts
Tuesday 6 to 23 degrees, sunny
Wednesday 6 to 24 degrees, partly cloudy
Thursday 12 to 24 degrees, sunny

However, there is a catch: with the heat comes the humidity, and a muggy warmth is to be expected in the south-west. The DWD warns of severe weather in the coming weekend. Despite summer temperatures during the day, it stays cool at night.

Weather today in Baden-Württemberg: clouds, showers and isolated thunderstorms

Update May 29. May: On Sunday it’s time to hold on again – because from Monday the weather in Baden-Württemberg is supposed to get a little friendlier again. Of the German Weather Service (DWD) expects changing to heavy cloudiness on Sunday, along with “repeated showers” and “occasional brief thunderstorms”. There should only be brighter sections with a little more sun in the direction of the Upper Rhine and Neckar as well as in Lusatia. The daily highs are between 13 and 18 degrees. There is also a weak to moderate wind.

According to the DWD, the showers in Baden-Württemberg should gradually subside on Monday night, and the cloud cover is also loosening in some areas. In some places, temperatures will drop to as little as 2 degrees – ground frost must be expected locally.

Weather in Baden-Württemberg: Temperature curve rises at the turn of the month

Especially at night it will remain cool at the beginning of the coming week. During the day the sun appears a little more frequently, from Tuesday there should only be isolated showers. The temperature curve is rising steeply at the end of the coming week: On Thursday and Friday at the beginning of June, temperatures of over 25 degrees are expected in the south-west, and the 30-degree mark could even be cracked.

However, thunderstorms are to be expected again towards the coming weekend. However, according to current forecasts, the German Weather Service considers real storms to be “less likely”.

Weather today in Baden-Württemberg: Clouds and showers will dominate the weekend

Update May 28. May: The weather in Baden-Württemberg on Saturday was not at its best. The German Weather Service (DWD) initially reports a lot of clouds, especially for the north, isolated showers of increased rain are reported from midday.

A weak to moderate northwest to north wind will also blow. According to weather experts, fresh to strong gusts must also be expected at the start of the weekend. The maximum values ​​are 13 to 20 degrees.

Weather in Baden-Württemberg: It will continue to be changeable over the weekend

Looking ahead to Sunday, Baden-Württemberg will initially see a cloudy sky. As the second half of the weekend progresses, precipitation will move south-east. Only later in the night will it stay dry with a dense cloud cover.

The temperatures are between 9 and 2 degrees. And also at the start of the new week you have to be prepared for a decent weather mix. Partly clear with clouds and periods of showery rain.

Weather in Baden-Württemberg: Cloudy prospects with rain

Update May 27. May: Baden-Württemberg is currently being crossed by a weak cold front. According to the German Weather Service (DWD), however, a so-called high wedge remains weather-determining. It will therefore remain cloudy to heavily overcast for Friday. Local rain is to be expected in the north and in the mountains.

The temperatures in Baden-Württemberg range from 17 degrees in the higher mountains to 24 degrees in the Rhine Valley. In addition, a weak to moderate north-west wind will blow, fresh in gusts and occasionally strong to stormy. When it comes to wind, the weather experts differentiate in categories up to hurricane – not all wind is the same.

Weather in Baden-Württemberg: Clouds and showers are spreading

According to the DWD experts, the stormy gusts can reach up to 60 kilometers per hour in the east. Looking at the weather on Saturday night, there is a little cloud cover in the north. It stays dry. Further south it will also remain very cloudy. Local rain is also to be expected here.

The temperatures are at lows between 6 degrees and 12 degrees. According to the German Weather Service, the weekend will also not be very friendly. Clouds and isolated showers are spreading across Baden-Württemberg.

Weather in Baden-Württemberg: Perfect hiking weather on Father’s Day

Update, May 26: Today is Ascension Day and therefore a holiday. If you use the bridge day, you have a long weekend ahead of you. But the weather in Baden-Württemberg doesn’t quite play along. Father’s Day will be according to the German Weather Service (DWD) still partly nice and dry, after that it should be much cooler.

In addition to occasionally extensive cumulus clouds – especially between the Alb and Allgäu – there is a lot of sunshine. The temperature maximum is between 18 degrees in the mountains and 24 degrees in the Rhine Valley. A weak to moderate wind will blow from west to north-west with some fresh gusts. On Father’s Day there is optimal hiking weather.

Friday night will remain slightly cloudy and dry. The minimum temperatures are between 13 and 8 degrees.

Weather in Baden-Württemberg: bad weather! Sun and clouds alternate

Update, May 25: For the time being it says: storm adé! The weather in Baden-Württemberg on Wednesday will be determined by the influence of high pressure. According to that German Weather Service (DWD) it should remain free of precipitation throughout the day, there are no severe weather warnings. The expected daily highs are between 16 and 23 degrees in the southwest on Wednesday. There will be a weak to moderate wind with fresh gusts.

In the night to Thursday it will be partly cloudy in Baden-Württemberg, but dry. Nighttime temperatures drop to as low as 7 degrees.

Weather in Baden-Württemberg: Lots of sunshine on Ascension Day

On Ascension Day, the DWD expects “a lot of sunshine” in the northwest half of the country and up to 24 degrees. It should also remain dry in the rest of the country. Perfect for spending the holiday outside. However, if you want to drive away and are planning a day trip on Father’s Day or going on vacation, you should heed the traffic jam warnings from the ADAC.

It should get a little wetter and cloudier towards the weekend and according to the DWD there will also be repeated precipitation in the coming week. Severe weather – thunderstorms, hail and storms – are not to be expected in the southwest according to current forecasts.

Weather in Baden-Württemberg: Thunderstorms, heavy rain and hail until noon

Update, May 24: At the start of the week, the German Weather Service (DWD) warned of storms in Baden-Württemberg – thunderstorms, heavy rain and stormy gusts of wind already occurred on Monday in the south-west. The forecasts for Tuesday don’t look much better, especially in the morning: According to the DWD, the thunderstorm activity will pick up again on Tuesday morning until noon, it will remain cloudy and there will always be individual showers.

The DWD also warns of “heavy rain, gusts of wind and small-grain hail.” Stormy gusts are expected again during the course of the day on the Black Forest peaks. According to the DWD, there should be some improvement around noon – from the northwest it is slowly loosening up and the rain showers are subsiding. The daily highs are between 14 and 22 degrees on Tuesday.

Weather in Baden-Württemberg: Improvement only in the second half of the week

Temperatures will drop to between 11 and 7 degrees on Wednesday night. In addition, thick clouds are moving over Baden-Württemberg again. On Wednesday, too, it will remain mostly cloudy, there may be isolated rain showers again, and there will also be wind.

According to current forecasts, there does not appear to be any improvement in sight until the second half of the week. From Thursday it should remain largely dry in the south-west, there have been no severe weather warnings so far.

Weather today in Baden-Württemberg: “Severe thunderstorms” and storm

Weather on May 23: Things are still bubbling over Baden-Württemberg. On Monday there is a risk of “stormy thunderstorms” again, as the DWD reports. The sun hardly ever shows up. Instead, scattered showers will increasingly turn into thunderstorms from midday. The temperatures climb up to 28 degrees again.

Away from the thunderstorms, the wind remains light, albeit fresh. It can get stormy in the mountains. During thunderstorms, gale-force gusts threaten, especially on the Black Forest peaks. In the night to Tuesday, the thunderstorms move towards Bavaria. However, it will remain grey, windy and a few showers are possible.

Weather in Baden-Württemberg: 3-day trend – improvement in sight?

Tuesday also starts very cloudy. Locally heavier rain is also possible. But improvement is in sight. Although the temperatures are falling slightly, the DWD speaks of “increasing relaxation” during the course of the day. It should also be much friendlier on Wednesday after initial showers. Unfortunately, probably not for long. As heidelberg24.de reported, could after the mega May a miserable June follow.

List of rubrics: © dpa

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