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Weather in Baden-Württemberg: 20 degrees on the weekend is followed by a frosty (W) intermezzo

Baden-Würrtemberg – Finally! At the weekend, the 20-degree mark could be cracked in some places. Unfortunately, the joy only lasts for a short time, because at the beginning of the week, polar air spreads in the southwest.

April, April, he doesn’t know what he wants. The phrase has seldom been more accurate, because the temperature differences between the end of this week and the beginning of the next are extreme! In the south-west, mild air will prevail in the coming days and the temperatures here can briefly climb to peak values ​​of around 20 degrees. This means that the people in Baden-Württemberg have a clear advantage over those in the northern half of Germany. There it remains significantly colder with single-digit values. Responsible for this is the so-called air mass limit, at which the cold air is separated from the spring air. But even the southwest is not spared from frost and snow in the long term.

Weather in Baden-Württemberg: North-South divide

But one thing after the other: On Saturday (April 10th) maximum temperatures of around 18 degrees Celsius are expected in Baden-Württemberg. The provisional high temperature mark will be set on Sunday (April 11th) in Breisgau. In the region around Freiburg, according to forecasts by “wether.net”, the thermometer should even rise to 22 degrees – the best barbecue weather on the Upper Rhine from Freiburg via Karlsruhe to Mannheim.

An example to illustrate the stark contrasts in temperature in Germany: In neighboring Rhineland-Palatinate, a maximum of 9 degrees are expected in Trier at the same time! According to the calculations of the American weather model, snowflakes can also fall to medium and even lower altitudes there on Sunday evening.

weekday Weather forecast (night / day temperatures)
Saturday Showers in the morning at 9 to 18 degrees
Sunday In the afternoon light rain at 3 to 22 degrees
Monday Light rain at 1 to 5 degrees
Tuesday Rain and snowfall at -2 to 7 degrees

In the new week, the polar air will prevail across the country and there will be flakes even in the lowlands“, Says Björn Goldhausen, press spokesman and meteorologist at WetterOnline. From Monday morning (April 12th) this will also apply almost nationwide for Baden-Württemberg.

Until the middle of the week, the experts predict inconsistent weather. Snow showers are to be repeated in the south until Tuesday (April 13th). So winter is still a long way from saying goodbye.

Weather in Baden-Württemberg: Although it remains changeable, there is hope

But what happens after the new winter mezzo? There is also good news to report: According to the current status, the temperature trend shows an upward trend up to April 25th. But the predictions of the weather models should be treated with caution. Atlantic lows and polar air are still in wait.

According to WetterOnline’s forecasts, however, one thing is certain: spring weather with days of sunshine and early summer warmth is not in sight in the short term. When spring will really prevail is currently still in the stars.

By the way: In April you can also observe a very special weather phenomenon in Baden-Württemberg: During a certain period of time, you can admire a number of shooting stars in the sky. (esk)

List of rubric lists: © dpa / Boris Roessler & dpa / Matthias Bein

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