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Weather – Freiburg im Breisgau – Meteorologist: Municipalities must warn of heat in good time – Panorama

Freiburg (dpa / lsw) – In view of the high temperatures, the meteorologist Andreas Matzarakis also sees the municipalities as having a duty to warn people about the heat in good time. The expert from the German Weather Service sees the heat action plans in Germany as a good basis for being able to react at local level. “But the implementation is of course the responsibility of the cities and municipalities, the regional councils and districts. And they are often not informed and prepared,” said Matzarakis of the “Badische Zeitung” in Freiburg.

If you see that a heat wave is approaching, you have to warn the citizens and inform them about the right behavior. “So: drink a lot, avoid the sun, reduce activities,” explained the professor of environmental meteorology at the University of Freiburg. “To put it in Baden: Only Dubel go jogging in the heat.” It is also important to pay attention to older people who are particularly at risk in such temperatures.

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