Home » today » News » Weather forecast with probability of rain for this Wednesday night in New York | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

Weather forecast with probability of rain for this Wednesday night in New York | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

full of the conditions of theweather. are you monitoringvarious fronts. what does theinstability for the nextwere you goingjeús: it looks unstable and arrivesthe fio.so don’t keep thosejackets still because hetrust comes.clear weather, but thecloudiness increases tocourse of the night, sincea cold front is approaching.it will bring us a lotinstability.normal temperature comesbeing 49 °.in the central park nearalso for jfk.we had cold temperatures andthe fifties areWelcome.in white plains, 40.manhattan, 46. newark, 51monticello, 32°.the rain that is going to fall forthe metro zone, towards monticellowill make mostly flakes ofsnow.in the next 48 hours, thewind comes from the south and weit’s going to bring rain. at 10:00those begin at nightraindrops.isolated showers, will notto be careful inroads.we have the rain in large partof our area, thetemperatures go down and up.to lower the thermometer the nightfrom today.take away your umbrella and take offa coat too.on Thursday night,temperatures are decreasing.we still have rains, they are going tobe isolated in nature.the direction of the wind changes,temperatures go indecline. the possible

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