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Weather forecast with cool temperatures for this Wednesday morning in New York | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

immediately we go withour partner rafael forlet him be the one to tell us whatwhat to expect in the weather.rafael: weather conditionsa little cloudy although not soachieved like yesterday to this samehour and all those who reportthanks for trustingunivision 41. also entersour mobile applicationunivision 41 new york. bigpart of our areaelectrical conditions althoughless cloudy and expectedstability until we get thereeven weekend therewe will be climbing 65 andbetween 10:00 am and11:00 a.m.,at 70 we will reach highsthat will be above thenormal range although the windsfrom the coast until I knowsit wingscool around here. for thislate temperature above70, hot temperatures andwe will continue tomorrow withtemperatures to alideslooking almost 80 for Thursday andFriday andwe will have conditionspleasurable. tomorrow thursdaywe will have 77.78 and temperaturessimilar, until we getSaturday, then Sundaywe descend to the normal range ora little below. is

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