rafael: long segment andfull of time. start ofMonday, week start withtemperatures in the 6061,stability although this willchange and we will have a panoramadifferent, the conditionscalm and cool withwindsfrom the north with temperature50 north and west.instability in the area ofgreat lakes and it will stayyou go north and this rainfortunately panorama forthesome 60 in the phase ofour area of nine70 andwe will be climbing to the rangeabove normal andwe will have 7374 for thisSeptember time, we will behitting about 80 this afternoonwith a sunny and verypleasant with the quality ofair at optimal level and be oneof those you were worthy to leaveactivities that we coulddo with this temperaturewonderfulfor this time today muchof our area even about80 would be above 75,parts of coneccticut andthen we will see how tomorrowrain comes early and somestorms that are passingfrom the northwest already afterat 8:00 pm everything clearsto have a wednesdayspectacular. ace of ainch and almost a half “in thecity we will have instabilitywith 75 and pay attention to thislower the temperature to