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Weather forecast, weekend of two faces: Saturday with quick rain, Sunday full of sunshine

North African anticyclone from Algeria to Poland with good weather throughout Italy. However, there will be pitfalls. Andrea Garbinatoeditorial manager of the website www.ilmeteo.it, confirms the decisive push of a high pressure field from North Africa to Germany and temporarily up to Poland and the Baltic Republics.

This North African anticyclone would have brought 35°C in the shade to Italy in the summer: in this period of the year we will reach a maximum of 25°C in the South, however we will experience a pleasant, sunny and mild phase.

But there will be pitfalls: the high pressure will in fact be disturbed, as early as tomorrow, by an English cyclone which will penetrate the heart of the anticyclone between Germany and Poland and then slide towards the Balkans; marginally, it will cause an increase in instability in Italy on Saturday.

In detail, high temperatures are expected in the next few hours with stable and mild weather from North to South. Un 14 March definitely beautiful even if in the morning there will be fog, locally thick, to limit visibility over the Po Valley.

Mid-March will instead mark a temporary weakening of the North African anticyclone: Friday 15th in fact, a slight increase in cloud cover is expected over Liguria, the Po Valley and the Tyrrhenian coasts. At most we will have drizzle around the Ligurian Gulf, while a small change will occur on Saturday.

Saturday 16 March, with the passage of a weak English disturbance over the Balkans, we will in fact have a decisive but temporary increase in instability: quick showers are expected in the morning over the North-East and the central regions, then towards the southern peninsular sector, especially towards the evening . However, these will be rapid moments of instability, while on Sardinia the wind will become strong Mistral and will push away the temporary bad weather.

Sunday the anticyclonic push will return forcefully, with a decisive and sudden improvement: the sun will prevail in the Centre-North, some accumulation will remain confined to the extreme South with heavy rain especially between Calabria and Sicily.

This anticipation of Spring will continue into the new week, except for a possible unpleasant lack of respect for Fathers: Tuesday 19 March in fact, the return of storms moving from Tuscany to Puglia is expected. Lightning and fast showers could spoil Father’s Day, obviously if the weather projection for 4-5 days is confirmed.

In the meantime, let’s enjoy the first sunny and mild period with a spring flavour, a week ahead of the Equinox which will arrive Wednesday 20 March at 4:06, to be precise.


Thursday 14th

In the north: good weather and mild climate except for fog in the plains. Center: prevailing sun. In the south: good weather.

Friday 15th

In the north: increasing clouds, drizzle in Liguria. In the centre: increasingly cloudy sky, showers especially in the evening in Tuscany. In the south: good weather.

Saturday 16th

In the north: some rain in the Triveneto. In the center: intermittent showers. In the south: towards the evening rains in the Apennines.


Rather stable atmosphere from Sunday to Monday, some thunderstorms for Father’s Day.

#Weather #forecast #weekend #faces #Saturday #quick #rain #Sunday #full #sunshine
– 2024-03-15 13:36:52

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