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Weather forecast, wave of thunderstorms, then African heat. Summer ahead in full force

Rome, 17 August 2020 – The week after August 15th is divided into two (not exactly equal) parts: today and tomorrow storms in the North, then one new African heat wave. The weather forecast of ilMeteo.it say that the summer will go full force on Italy. Experts explain that in these hours cooler ocean air drawn from a vast depression on the Atlantic is reaching the northern regions while the anticyclone continues to dominate in the Central South. Today, Monday 17th August, thunderstorms descending from the Alps towards the plains of the North West, with a subsequent rapid shift towards those of the North East: expected hailstorms, sudden gusts of wind and thermal drop of 5-7 degrees. Tuesday 18th August – again according to the experts of ilMeteo.it – ​​the pressure will slowly begin to increase in the North with recent thunderstorms over the Alps, occasional on the plains of the North East while on the rest of the North and in the Center South the weather will be stable except for isolated rain showers on the upper Tuscany and the Marche. Temperatures will suffer a general decrease throughout the country with a pleasant warm climate but the situation will change radically “from Wednesday19 August, when “the high pressure will return to spread over all regions, giving a predominantly sunny day”.

Temperatures up to 40 degrees

Gives Thursday 20 August the African anticyclone from the desert of Algeria will rise towards our country very hot air rich in humidity will invest all regions. Temperatures will rise significantly. ”The site team warns that between Friday 21 and Sunday 23 next they will touch peaks of 38 degrees in Emilia, Tuscany, Umbria, Lazio, Puglia e Sicily. Temperatures up to 43 degrees on the inland areas of Sardinia, the hottest region this week.

(The article continues below the map)

Storms, the civil protection alert

The perturbed system of Atlantic origin that has already determined unstable weather in the northern regions – says the Civil Protection – will continue to exert its influence even tomorrow, causing scattered rainfall, even of a reverse or thunderstorm character, which locally may be of strong intensity. On the basis of the available forecasts, the Department has issued a further warning of adverse weather conditions which supplements and extends that of yesterday and which foresees the persistence of scattered rainfall, predominantly of downpour or thunderstorm, on Emilia Romagna, Veneto, Friuli Venezia Giulia e Tuscany. The phenomena will be accompanied by showers of strong intensity, frequent electrical activity, hailstorms and strong gusts of wind. On the basis of the phenomena in progress and forecast, it was evaluated for tomorrow yellow alert for thunderstorms and hydrogeological risk on Tuscany, Emilia-Romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Veneto and north-eastern Lombardy.

The bad weather of these hours

The first damage is counted due to the storm that hit Torino. From the suburbs to the city center, reports of flooding and damage due to strong hail. The underground stations of Principi d’Acaja and Bernini are unusable. A tree has fallen between corso Matteotti and corso Vinzaglio. Numerous, in various points of the city, the flooded streets, both in the historic center and towards the area of ​​the Pellerina park. Flooded some interiors of buildings. Arpa Piemonte announced that 72.8 mm of water were recorded in the Turin via della Consolata station, while 61.4 mm of water were recorded in the Turin Giardini Reali station.

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