Climate information is becoming increasingly relevant to society. (Infobae/Jovani Pérez)
Before leaving home, find out the weather forecast in Iquitos for the following hours on this Wednesday.
During the day the temperature will reach a maximum of 36 degrees, the forecast of rain will be 5%, with 24% cloudiness, while wind gusts will be 22 kilometers per hour.
As for UV rays, they are expected to reach a level of up to 13.
For the night, the temperature will reach 23 degrees, while the probability of precipitation will be 8%, with 74% cloudiness, while wind gusts will reach 15 kilometers per hour at night.
The weather forecast for Iquitos (Illustrative image Infobae)
In the department of Loreto, where the city of Iquitos is located, only four types of climates are recorded, which are characterized by warm weather and abundant rainslocated in a jungle area in northern Peru.
In the northern area of Loreto, where Iquitos is located, the prevailing weather condition is Warm, with abundant humidity and torrential rains.
The heaviest rainfall in Iquitos occurs regularly in winter, between November and May, with March and April being the wettest months. Summer, on the other hand, is the driest month.
In Peru, up to 38 types of climate are feltaccording to the National Meteorological and Hydrological Service (Senamhi), this is a result of the interaction between different climatic and geographical factors.
These main factors, Senamhi explains, are its geographical position on the Tropic of Capricorn and its proximity to the Andes Mountains.
Of the 38 climates, Senamhi highlights three main which are defined according to the area of the country in which they are located.
On the coast In the South American country, which borders the Pacific Ocean and covers just 11.6% of the national territory, the prevailing weather condition is arid and temperateits main climatic characteristic being the scarcity of rainfall.
In the sawthe area close to the Andes mountain range and which occupies 28.1% of the Peruvian territory, the climate is rainy and cold mainly.
While in the junglewhere the tropical climate of Peru is most present, occupying 60.3% of its surface, the weather is defined as very rainy and hot.