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Weather forecast. The temperatures fell sharply in Côte-d’Or, a Sunday in the gray

Saturday, at 4 p.m., MétéoNews recorded 19.1 degrees in Dijon, the maximum temperature reached during the day. That is to say values ​​far removed from the 27.3 degrees of Friday afternoon. After the stormy episode of Friday evening and a very sad Saturday day, the mercury has indeed struggled to climb in Côte-d’Or. Elsewhere in the department, MétéoNews recorded, still at 4 p.m., 18 degrees in Beaune, 16 degrees in Arnay-le-Duc, 13.4 degrees in Saulieu, or 15.7 degrees in Montbard and 15.1 degrees in Châtillon- on the Seine.

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Beautiful sunny days and softness this week?

The Côte-d’Or is no longer concerned by yellow vigilance, whether for thunderstorms, rain or floods. This does not mean, however, that the weather will be festive since the greyness should prevail all day. A few drops are possible under this humidity, according to MétéoNews, while the mercury will not exceed 21 degrees.

We expect a nice improvement for the week, with temperatures that can climb to 28 degrees, and nice sunny spells. In any case, this is what MétéoNews provides. For its part, Météo France is more cautious, forecasting rare showers and maximums of 26 degrees.

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