The weather in Puebla this Thursday, March 2, 2023 it will be mostly clear. The probability of rain for the rest of the day is 0%, so no precipitation is expected in the metropolitan area and capital Puebla.
The maximum temperature this Thursday March 2 will reach 28°C at 1 p.m., and it will drop to 9°C at 12 midnight. The humidity in the environment is 27% and the wind will run at 26 km/h.
What is the ultraviolet index for this Thursday, March 2, 2023?
He ultra violet index (UVI) in Puebla this Thursday, March 2, 2023 is extreme. Under clear sky conditions and according to the scale of the UVI Radiation Levelin the Valley of Puebla the UVI is 12so we recommend using sunscreen.
The time in which you can be exposed to the sun’s rays without sunscreen is only 15 minutes, and the protection factor indicated for today is 50+. Take into account that from noon to 3 in the afternoonthe sun’s rays will be at their maximum splendor, reaching an ultraviolet index of 12 at twelve and one in the afternoon.
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How is the air quality in Puebla this Thursday, March 2, 2023?
According to National Air Quality Information System, SINAICA, the air quality in the entity this day is regular with a moderate level of riskTherefore, sensitive groups of the population (people with heart or respiratory problems) are recommended not to carry out outdoor activities.
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