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Weather forecast: in Gard and Hérault, heat peaks expected from Friday

After a cool and rainy month of May, the sun and heat are back in the region.

The thermometer climbs, again and again … The Azores high pressure protects a large part of Western Europe and therefore France: as a result, the sun is essential in almost all regions, including our region. , and with temperatures rising sharply, with a heat that has not finished increasing.

Up to 33 degrees at the end of the week

If the temperatures are already very hot in the middle of the week, when we reach 30 ° C to 32 ° C in the shade, under shelter, it could be even hotter this weekend. The air mass should warm up again from Friday, according to Météo Gard Hérault. So, it will be up to 33 ° C or even 34 ° C in the shade, this Friday afternoon on the plains of our departments.

For the day of this Saturday, June 12, temperatures are likely to rise further. The mercury could reach the very high heat threshold, i.e. 35°C in meteorology. Obviously, we would like to remind you once again that we are talking about expected values ​​under standardized shelter. Car or patio thermometers always tend to overestimate the actual temperature.

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Nationwide, this heat wave will continue next week, at least until Wednesday, with averages of around 29 to 30 ° C in the afternoon in the northern half and 31 to 32 ° C in the south of the country. Morning temperatures are also expected to be very mild, often over 15 ° C and sometimes close to 20 ° C, including in the northern regions.

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