Lucrecia borchardt tells uswe can wait for the day oftoday and also what is thesituation regardingto hurricane ianlucrecia: we are watchingclose to this hurricane because inthis moment is playingdisembark on the island of Cuba,near the city calledpinar del ío, let’s see howare the conditions and that wewait the rest becausedefinitely dependingHow does this hurricane continue?it might also affect us witha little rain in the moment it has windclaimed 125 miles fortime, the pressure isin the of, 52 for the lastreport of the national instituteof hurricanes showed that thethe pressure continues to decreasewhich means many storiesLet’s see it go up to the categoryfour once I leave behindthe island of cuba and wasentering from the bayfrom tampa, thankfullywe hope you come backdescend and becomecategory three hurricane.however many people haveyou are evacuating from the areaWest Tampa but all the showsthat the rain bands andstrong winds this sandjust another one with pouring rainto step up.meanwhile our regionthe situation is different,already all gardenersthere is a lot leftregarding the care of the gardenwait when it startscollect the leaves, the largestpart of the state sees itweeks.temperatures in the 60s for7:00, 67 as medioía, 71for 16:00speaking of the color in theleaves, everything seems to indicate itregarding the new state