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Weather forecast for Tuesday morning in New York with rain and unstable conditions | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

Tuesday when it is todayrain.rafael: we went through thelucrezia borchardt, withtemperatures at 10 perbelow the norm.lucrecia: many times whenwe like these where so muchrain people decide to askyou’re home and that’s when youwork they have,the bellhops have to deal witha little more than brought buteven with those conditionsshowers everywherepretty much all day butnot only all day, even insidenight hours with athermometer well belowremaining temperatures40 until 10:00,sit down after 11:00where we see the thermometergo up and reach 50 in ourregion.if you make those deliveries inbike protect yourself becausethe rain will be strongfor a few moments and ifthey also do it in the carcheck the conditions whyit’s going to be pretty wet and it’s goingrain all day.this is our image that weshow conditions, rainintense for the most partcounties in the central area ofnew jersey, then we’ll seeas if the rain remainedus all day, aroundnoon we will see a few momentswhere the raingive a break but thencome back and be aloneflashing everywherewent, even at night,for tomorrow Wednesdaywe expect it will also come outwork in that rain, twosee those conditionsquite wet.in terms of temperatureswe are under 50 and

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