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Weather forecast for Thursday morning in New York with reasonable heat and largely secure situations | Online video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

as it gradually warms up,This warming will be gradual.ana patricia: a lot of content.lucrecia: is a single of the very lastsummertime weekends thatwe’ll have. autumn is atclose to the corner, be the only one particularSeptember 22 exactly wherewe will officially make the adjustof station we will see howthese will be intertwinedtwo seasons and we will seeunstable problems. for himThese days, we havetemperatures returning tosubstantial seventies.we will see the return of delastroHigher, with isolated cloudiness.but also, if you are likely to do itgo to the sea I want to inform youof which we have challengessea ​​current. we’ll bekeep an eye on this problem. inat 7:00 in the early morningwe hope to see the thermometerbe in 65. in the middleWe will see the change from tominus 9 levels to track down thethermometer in 74. whiletherefore, the temperature in 77 achangeover right before using actionsummer season situations,face the weekend. there is awarm air massacquiring an effect on the regionleading to temperaturesboost, we will see on Sundaymaximize the humidity in our

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