open the door you have to feelthis extreme heat, thesetemperatures are notremembering that we are in thehello heat.lucrecia: that maintains more than100,000,000 people belowthis danger by intense heat.ana patricia: there are places withrecorded temperatureslike 108, imagine with thehumidity we have.lucrecia: and if we add thenumber of people who haveto work outdoorsworrying this moment we haveheat warning willtake effect untilnoon today and it will lastuntil 8:00 in the morning ofIt was Thursday, it is important thatget ready, we are close tosix hours this warningcome into effect but it isimportant if you have towork outdoors today, yesyou have to take your children toone of the campssummer, even take theirpets, nor recommendation isdo what you can beforenoon because this12:00 we will have in effect thisheat warning.talking about the peoplehave to spend time on the airfree, in my forecast for theconstruction we talk abouttemps in the 80’sfor 7:00 am, whilethat by 12:00 noonwe will see a uubiando mercuryin the 90 and one and continuegoing up or form bad careon the day, conditionsmostly clear,heat index still climbs higher andis that we anticipate for the daytoday’s wednesday temperatureshighs they were reaching93, this in new york.temperatures and indexheat are two different things,although we will seetemperatures between high80’s, low 90’s that’s whatwe consider hot, úmehumidity that will be thenlet today feelhot to make you feel veryhot, especially betweenthe hours of 12:00noon until at least6:00 pm, it is precisely thatthe reason whyheat warning is oneffect from the middle, verybut very hot it willfeel and most ofour afternoon, we’ll see how theconditions return, go down tohot level, this after7:00 pm butmainly we arefocusing on that period oftime, if you don’t have air