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Weather forecast for this Wednesday morning in New York with cloudy and cool conditions | Videos | Univision 41 New York WXTV

we spend with our guardiansof time, we spend withlucrecia borchardt, over therethey sold storms the eso seíapanorama.lucrecia: we are anticipatingown of rains thatincreases after 2:00pm and all this to theatmosphere has changedsignificantly in thehigh pressure system onour region wants thein charge of bringing thosetemperatures so coldwe had yesterday whileboth in regards to theearly morning we had a changeimportant in is theweakening of the systemhigh pressure that gave way to afrontal system that is the one thatat this moment isinfluencing thenew york new jersey area andin the vicinity ofconnecticut, de este esámaking today’s dayLet’s see some more cloudinesswith which we have risenin contrast to the heavensclear we had yesterdayTuesday, a thermometer that inthat moment is in the60 and winds that are blowingat an average of 12 miles perin regards to thetemperatures for todayforecast for cconstruction temperatures inthe 61 by 7:00 am, ait would be more pleasant because forthat midday we stilland nine as soon as thatfrom 4:00 in the afternoon.in regards to the

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