of the meteorologist.lucrecia: it reminds me of julyhead of security and alwaysask me and the rain stopswhen? so let’s hope thatcome soon and let us knowhelping because we have seenfairly dry conditions.if the grass of your house is sodry as July at leasttoday we could seesome rain to help uswith that.we have temperatures thatreturn to normalhigh in the 80s, they will beaccompanied by conditionssunny, we will see morepresence of cloud covercompare during startupweek and possible rains thatthey were arriving this afternoonnight, we do not anticipate activeelectric, only somerains in our region.for you to plan youria, temperatures that in thismoment they are located at 76, theywill remain stable until10:00 am, it’s five hoursin which we do not sell morechange.by 3:00 pm we talk abouttemperatures hovering in the81, as we approachdaytime hours, at leastair conditioning that hasbeen needing so muchduring the last few days,I can probably give you aI breathe until 10:00 am andIf you don’t get too hot, whoa?I will not occupy it before4:00 pm, we talk about what’s going on