weather conditions, we passedwith lucrecia borchardt whohas the report ofconditions.Lucrecia: the rain returns andlet me tell you that it is not justthe rainfall thatcome back today, upload againhumidity and we will havetemperatures a little higheralid compared tothat we have had the lastya, not so much but we aregaining /of grades in thethermometer.we see right nowchance ofprecipitation, we haddrizzles throughout the morningin regards to thenext few hours the biggestamount of probability thatlet’s keep seeing rain increasesafter 2:00 pm andsignificantly after5:00 p.m., probablybe during this part of thelate night where we see thegreater amount ofrainfall.meanwhile for todaynew york city we will seeconditions between quitecloudiness and sporadic moments orof sun in the middle of thatdrizzle, it’s a taometer thatthe 74 are found but thatit will continue to rise 10, it will beadding for around 11:00am and we are reachingtemperatures in the 88 for the1:00 pm, for example in whatwhat a size meternew york the greatestdrizzle loop probabilitywe see them at 5:00 pm.the maximum temperatures fortoday they stay for the first timein the 90’s in the newark area,the rest of our regionsit stays in the 80’s thoughwe are seeing how we havegained four in that eternalsubway to put new yorkin the 87, long island withtemperatures at 84,