in just minutes. not good thatthe city is expected soonreceive more vaccines to vaccinateto the people.and I want to ask you untilwhen this warningwhat are we feeling I saywhich is inhuman.jeús: it is very hotwe currently feel. thewarning expires at8:00 p.m. on Sunday. and the indexof heat makes you feel hot100 I am going to explain whyLet’s upload our body tonormal temp, 98.6.when the temperature risesbody our skin begins tosweat. the sweat starts toevaporate. and that extracts thebody heat throughcooling. but how do we haveyou were wet like these lastías, I have sweat does not reachevaporate. stays oursskin and one stays feelsclingy.let’s talk about the islandurban heat. If we say that thethe 80 degrees. now if you livein an area with enough busheslet’s simplify thisgraphic. if you live in an arearural with plenty of trees inoffers shade. that is, asshade, less heat and that isflame cooling byfor a commercial dinner therefewer trees and more buildings.buildings emit heatjust like factories and cars. Ythe temperature starts tolet’s go so square where there isace concrete queárboles. themtemps sits at 92 .buildings are black. thatThey also give off heat. the trainpassing by underground emitsheat and rise to the surface.that is, you will feel morehot than in the park. that’s whywe recommend and for theCentral Park. the shadow ofthe trees make thetemperatures marked bythermometer are not reflected.of rain for the day oftomorrow.we have showerssudden starting at1:00 p.m. on Sunday. and here we goto continue on the pathpm. showersisolated. not allwe will experience this kind ofrain. at 22.0 zero rainstronger towards the, this sunday conditionspartly cloudy andtemperature at 95 degrees. Y