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Weather forecast for this Monday morning in New York with cool conditions and moments of rain | Videos | Univision 41 New York WXTV

Rafael: What gold do I go out for?run?lucrecia: definitely notwe will have rain all dayia but sporadic delayin different locations, thetoday is not a good ideato be able to have plans in the airfree and is that the greatestprobability of precipitationmoment, 88% precipitation,70% kept for thesix, as we approachtomorrow we will see like thatdecrease, however for thenoon begins to pick up,it is offspring that we have a massof that precipitation in hourspm.all the people who work inconstruction if they go outsoon to his placesee stable temperaturesbut some of that rainwe hope that it begins to give thebreak at 12:00 p.m.noon we could see some ofpm we anticipate conditionsstable wingsthe thermometer todayis quite belowfrom what we have seen inlast days and it is thatprecisely with the rainwe are seeing temperaturesfresh, enough that wethere was, 78 the maxim in newark,76 for new york.

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