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Weather forecast for this Friday morning in New York with cool and mostly stable conditions | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

hurricane ian since his startpassing through the Caribbean, passing throughcuba, for Florida and nowcontinues its journey towardsnorth.lucrecia: good morning.We’ve already talked about it, we’ve done itseen this phenomenontime evolvesmany times, I knowthe third time I was playingland we have seenevolve stormtropical has no mind and in thismoment in which we areconsidering the hurricane againcategory one due tosustained winds which has 85miles per hour seems like it allindicates that you will continue yoursascend the trajectorywe had foreseen and will belanding in carolinasouth, around 2ampm, sometimesdisputeá 14:00 will enterlike the category one aa hurricanewill continue to moveNorth Carolina but right aheadsome time during theand North Carolina remainedbecoming alonetropical storm iía yhopefully in somepart of tennessee this systemfinally disappear,run out and we will see some moisturewe are seeing remains thatwill be affected bya system we havecoming from canaa, thattropical to findon the great plainsbegins to move to ourregion and that’s where we’ll seepart of tomorrow’s rainpowered by that systemit could continue until the dayToday is Friday, the last day ofthis working week and ifTime to take the bus todayon the way to work, 51 istomorrow, the ether goes

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