them in the late evening.ana: the quiá ojaá disappears.lucrecia: enough alreadyconcern with euros foryou have to worry about this.what you don’t have toworry today is fog orrain because the conditionsthey are very beautiful, very muchstability by stepcold front for our region,this live image fromNew York wherewe have a thermometer on the 47the conditions satisfyclear enough for himinicio de este viernes, axesalmost the weekendand let’s talk about conditions thatthen for the nexthours will be kept inpretty nice thermometer fromat least until 10:00 andis that before this moment nwe will have temperatures in the50, one morning withtemperatures in the 40s, ifmostly clear, it will goincreasing the amount ofclouds that we will seemissing during the day,meanwhile small thermometerlittle by little and very timidlyIa going up after the10:00, don’t expect itget very high becausehigh for this Fridaythey remain in the 57th waypractically homogeneousall was metro new jerseyNew York and the citiescloudy environmentincreasing for hours of theafternoon.however we will seea day with abundant usesolar and for tonight we seetemps in the 1950s, yesbeing in a new cityyork for 21:00 goesI need the coat even if minethe recommendation is probablyI’ll need it for everythingthe day, especially if it issensitive to changestemperature and even if it isdoing some kind of work