Offenbach (dpa/lrs) – It’s getting cooler in Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland. The maximum temperatures on Sunday are between 10 and 14 degrees and in the high altitudes between 7 and 10 degrees, as the German Weather Service (DWD) announced in Offenbach. It is partly cloudy: in the north there are rain showers, in the south it is free of precipitation and partly clear. Fog and light frost are forecast in some areas on Monday night.
According to the DWD, on Monday it will be clear after local fog fields have cleared, and partly cloudy in the north. A maximum of 9 to 13 degrees is reached. The wind blows gently from different directions. There will also be no precipitation on Tuesday night. Temperatures drop to 4 to 1 degrees. In some areas there may be renewed frost near the ground.
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