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Weather forecast for October 19 in Normandy

This WEDNESDAY promises to be quite clear because the gray and low clouds can dissipate faster and easier than yesterday. The east wind is sensitive and the mild temperatures persist and mark…

The gray is still very present towards the end of the night but the low clouds give ground more easily than yesterday in the face of the first sunny spells that can break in quickly from the south and from the ground. The coast and east of Normandy subsequently retained a heavily overcast atmosphere.

The east wind is increasing towards the sea with a peak of 40-50 km/h.

The minimum temperatures are very mild for a mid-October morning: 14-16° on average, constantly increasing.

The sky will clear up and stay bright for a long time, even if it is sometimes cloudy at higher altitudes.

The easterly wind will become strong everywhere for 40-60 km/h.

High temperatures this WEDNESDAY will make it the hottest day of the week. The seasonal records will probably fall, because all values ​​will exceed the 20° threshold: from 21 to 24° from the Côte d’Albâtre to the Pays d’Auge.

THURSDAY will experience a recovery of instability which will cause showers under a menacing sky, and temperatures will drop a bit, even if still very mild: 12° low / 22° high.

FRIDAY will be a day punctuated by showers, under a disturbed flow from the South-West, and gusts everywhere of the order of 60-70 km/h. The great mildness will be in retreat: 18-20° maximum.

This WEDNESDAY 19 October celebrates René.

Soleil: 8h27 / 19h01 ( – 4 min )

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