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Weather forecast for Monday morning in New York with heat and partly cloudy skies | Videos | Univision 41 New York WXTV

lucrecia: loé also datesis on the rise.rafael: when will we see the 90things will feel closeof 100.Lucrecia: Let’s Aaron look atthat temperatures rise tothe 90s, we also have humidityhigh makes the index ofheat seas at high, le anticipotwo days that are going to be aslightly uncomfortable, especiallyfor whom you have to passmore of his day tofree area.temperatures in queens 68,jackson heights, corona,virtually the entire countyof queens in the mid-60s.and for our deliverers,for those who are going to startweek working, bringingsustenance at home, the day oftoday we are going to have a startcloudiness coming to ourregion, temperatures at 8:00am in the 70s and whatwill continue into the 80ssoon, 12:00 noon,we will definitely seeas the thermometer continuesgoing up to 86for 4:00 in the afternoon.then the temperaturestops for today in the 80s, seethe difference between the day oftoday and tomorrow, there are almost 10thermometer for Tuesday andsunny conditions whichhelps the index sithot wings.taking a look at the level ofhumidity for today withdry conditions but fromon Tuesday we started to climb andfor wednesday we talk about

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