The sky will clear up in Lille during the day. Values of around 20°C are expected. The city will be hit by a southwest wind of 26 km/h. Temperatures will rise a few degrees during the afternoon. The values will be between 22 and 24°C. The sky will clear somewhat in the evening with sunny spells. Temperatures will be 21°C. During the night from Wednesday to Thursday, the sky will be clear.
Still gray tomorrow. The clouds will settle over Lille. It will rain. A decrease in temperatures is expected. It will be 16°C on average. A southwest wind will slightly cool the atmosphere. In the morning, the sun will be hidden behind clouds. It will be around 15°C. The sun will have difficulty breaking through the clouds which will persist into the afternoon. The values will be 15°C at minimum and 16°C at the highest. Clear weather is expected: we will have a mild evening. Temperatures will be around 14°C.
The following days promise to be identical. The weather will be rainy with temperatures around 18°C.
2023-09-19 23:15:31
#Weather #forecast #Wednesday #September #Lille