Rafael, how is that jewel today?we see sun, also wind. whatdo we have today?Rafael: Good morning, friendsviewers. there is no dawn yetbut be spectacular.a very nice day and we haveforestry,because it’s windy and gustythat they are exceeding 20miles per hour, in zoneswooded, like new york, newjersey and the suburbs couldhave some kind of reports andforest fires.current temperatures are in49.the winds and a dry landscapebecause the relative humidity hasdropped below 30%,that’s why we could see theincidents.less than 50 much of the areaand yet it is very close.the winds as it wasovercoming 1516 miles andthe fires came from thenorthwest and that’s why we havelow temperatures.we talk about over 65 thislate.we will have enough sun andtemperatures abovenormal range.winds can cause thissituation that commented.