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Weather fairy tale at the end of the year? A clear trend is looming – it will start very soon

The weather has been very changeable recently.

© Jens Kalaene / dpa

The weather in Munich was recently very mild. Winter returned just in time for Christmas Day – but how does it go on? A cold period is looming.

Munich – That was recently a real weather roller coaster in Munich *. In the Bavarian capital showed the thermometer in the days before Christmas Temperatures of up to 14 degrees. Unusually mild nights were also part of the spring-like weather. On top of that, gray and wet – it was festive weather by far not. But just in time for Christmas Day, the time had come: The temperatures plummeted, even single snowflakes fell from the sky. In the final spurt of the year, the right one will come Winter-Feeling?

Weather: Snow is approaching – Munich residents have to be prepared for the freezing cold

The first day of Christmas was apparently actually a harbinger for what people are in and around Munich* could expect: temperatures around the Freezing point and single snowflakes. On Boxing Day, December 26th, things continue dry. For the first time this year, however, temperatures will remain below zero – according to the forecast of the weather portal wetteronline. Then on Sunday, December 27th, you can enter Munich Looking forward to the sun. At temperatures down to minus seven degrees, however, it becomes crisp cold.

Weather: Where does snow fall? The end of the year has winter in the bag

At the start of the week, the first one is about to begin proper snowfall of the year – at least according to the meteorologists of daswetter.de. All day long will Precipitation expected – the temperatures should be not over one degree Celsius go out. With this mix would be Snowfall guaranteed. Should it come that way, the white splendor should also remain. The coming week, including the turn of the year, is shining current forecasts of German weather service to have in my luggage after freezing cold. Winter fans can therefore justifiably hope for a snowy end of the year. *tz.de is part of the Ippen-Digital network

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