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Weather, bad weather in Palermo on 28 and 29 October 2021

“More and more confirmations are arriving on the formation of a deep Mediterranean cyclone in the coming days, which could take on tropical characteristics becoming what is medically called Medicane (from MEDiterranean HurriCANE)”. 3bmeteo.com Edoardo Ferrara who warns. “Unfortunately, the bad alluvial weather of recent days in Sicily could be just an appetizer of a new and even more severe wave of bad weather that could hit the island between Thursday and Friday, when the cyclone would seem to make landfall once it strengthened near Malta” .

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“It will thus be possible – says Ferrara – new heavy rains and storms, in particular in Ragusa, Syracuse and Catania, with stormy winds, gusts from the Levant sometimes exceeding 70-80km / h and violent storm surges on the Ionian coasts with waves in some cases over 2-3 meters. Calabria is also partly involved, primarily Reggio, but sometimes heavy rains could also affect the rest of the Ionian side, especially between Locride and Catanzaro “.

The weather expert adds: “Bad weather will also hit the Palermo, with rains and showers especially between Thursday and Friday, when rainfall can also be abundant. All accompanied by even strong winds between Grecale and Levante, with gusts even after 70km / h and rough seas “.

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