Home » today » World » Wearing masks. Wojciech Konieczny on the summer wave of COVID-19 in Poland – Wprost

Wearing masks. Wojciech Konieczny on the summer wave of COVID-19 in Poland – Wprost

The Chief Sanitary Inspector announced that due to the growing wave of coronavirus infections, a joint announcement for offices and institutions will be published soon. – In order to prevent the spread of COVID-19, but also influenza or RSV, we will recommend wearing masks and increasing attention to hand hygiene and surface disinfection – said Paweł Grzesiowski.

The Deputy Minister of Health commented on the matter on Polskie Radio 24. Wojciech Konieczny, in the context of the epidemic situation, noted that “they are taking the matter seriously and will not disregard what is happening and deny reality”. The Deputy Minister of Health explained that there are two aspects of the coronavirus that are “slightly worrying”: the acceleration of the disease, because the wave should be much later, and the fact that “the virus is becoming less seasonal”.

Wearing masks. Deputy Minister of Health Wojciech Konieczny on the summer wave of COVID-19 in Poland

Konieczny added that the time since vaccination is changing and fewer people are getting vaccinated. The Deputy Minister of Health noted that for now “the situation does not look so bad that there is a need to introduce restrictions”. In the context of restrictions, Konieczny stated that “if someone feels uneasy and suspects that they may be infected, self-isolation is most advisable”.

– So let’s not be ashamed of masks, if we are to go out among people, appear somewhere in some environment, in the subway, in some store and so on – let’s put on this mask. Nothing like that will really happen. We wore these masks and it wasn’t that bothersome – said the deputy minister of health. Konieczny summed up that “restrictions may appear in health care facilities at the earliest”.

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