Hops.ID – Recently uploaded an Instagram account YuniShara the success shocked netizens and the social media world.
After all, at the age of five, YuniShara looks like a teenager with a slim but restrained figure.
In its loading, it seems YuniShara they are exercising tennis and coached by senior tennis players, Yayuk Basuki.
“Keep learning… while you can,” he wrote YuniShara in its upload statement, January 4, 2023, as Hops.ID mentions.
Why play tennisOf course Yuni looks like a tennis player. A skintight gray wangki shirt, a white mini skirt and a hat to fend off the sun.
Even netizens have commented on the upload with positive responses.
Many praise the shape of the body YuniShara looking like a teenager, at the age of half a century aka 50 years old.